How to get free traffic to your affiliate offers.

The best way to make money online is to invest with money but if you can't invest money because you just want just want to try this online stuff that everybody has been talking about or for some other reason, these are the best methods you can use to send free traffic to your affiliate offers.

If you can't invest money in your business then, find a way to invest time in replace of that money. If you can't invest money or time then it's not a business. I brought these methods from my thought and I've actually used some of them and it works. The best thing about it is that it doesn't require too much time so get ready.

All these methods are for affiliate marketers. If you don't know what affiliate marketing is, read Neil Patel's post and come back. You can become affiliates with companies like Clickbank and Amazon associates. Clickbank gives you products to promote and Amazon just gives you amazon products to advertise.

If you've joined those two, get a product to promote later but for now, let's start. The first method is...

Traffup looks like this

With Traffup, you earn points when you visit someone's website or like someone's Facebook, Tweet, Instagram or YouTube and you use your points to get other people to get people to visit your link too.
People use Traffup a lot but the mistake that they make is that they put their affiliate link (a link that directs to the sales page of the product they're promoting) and expect people to buy the product. Who does that? The focus should never be on getting traffic directly to your link. It should be getting interested people to take action and the way to do that is to get them to know you. You don't just ask a girl out on a date, you buy her roses and tell her she looks nice first, right? So... why would you just shove a sales page in my face when I'm trying to get points and expect me to convert.
This is what you should do.
1. Go to your Twitter and post an ad-like tweet.
Your tweet must contain a video and your text must sound convincing enough.
See mine for example:
Feel free to re-tweet it and use it as a guide.
2. Go to Traffup and add your tweet. Make the action for point re-tweet so people get points when they re-tweet your tweet. I get points by viewing websites, and use those points to get people to re-tweet. Join Traffup and you'll understand what I'm saying better.

The thing about using tweets instead of shoving your sales page in people's face is that it stays on social media and plenty people get to see it.

The second is...

I was reading a book on how to sell anything to anyone and the book talked about the rule of 250. The rule of 250 states that everybody knows 250 people. Now, only like minded people flock together so we can use the rule of 250 with Facebook to our advantage, The truth is, I've never really liked Facebook because it's not private. If I like something or comment, Facebook tells all my friends so everybody knows what it is that I'm up to. Let me cut to the chase.

  • Get people interested in the niche of the product you are promoting to like your Facebook post so that all their like-minded friends see it. 

You don't necessarily have to use your Facebook to create the post, you can create a page instead. Make sure to use a video too. Good videos are engaging.
Don't use Traffup to create traffic for the post because if you do, the strategy won't be so effective and you won't get like minded people.
This is my post:

To get "like-minded likes" join a Facebook group and ask people to like your post. As you can see, I haven't done that on this post for now. However, if you've read up to this point then you must be in the niche that I'm targeting so like this post as your way of saying 'thank you for showing me your secret tips.'

The third one is...

This one is for all my Quorans who are Amazon associates, lol. So, Quora is a platform where people ask questions, add details to their questions and get targeted answers. It is no surprise that Google can't answer all our questions and a lot of people still need answers to certain things. This makes Quora good because marketing should be about connecting people with problems to solutions that can help them solve that problem. Quora is so smart that it sends you targeted questions. For example, If you answer questions on book recommendations, Quora knows you are good at stuff like that and it sends you more questions concerning book recommendations. Book recommendations is what I do with my Quora. When people ask for books they should read, I give them answers and add my Amazon affiliate link to the book I'm recommending. This makes them more likely to purchase the book. To be honest, I haven't gotten sales from this but It is a good thing to do because the internet is evergreen and whenever someone goes on google to ask for an answer to that question, Quora shows up on the first page. So, If you use Quora a lot, It might be a good thing to start integrating Amazon affiliate links to your blog.

Actually, I think I have a fourth one that is going to be my most effective yet but you can't get it till you subscribe to my list first plus I haven't really tested it.

P.S: Quora does not allow Clickbank links but if you plan to use them, make sure you create an opt-in page that will last for years first.

If you liked the post, share it with someone "like-minded." I'll leave you now by telling you to implement these methods and think of other ones. If you find more, don't forget to contact me.

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