How I made my first drop-ship sale without ads.

My first sale was really nice. It happened so fast that I didn't almost believe it. It was GOD, really.

Anyway, let's go exactly into what I did to make my first sale.

I watched this video:

It was that simple. I always knew Reddit was the life of traffic but I had given up on it because most redditors hate "self-promotion." Even if you post a link to your blog, most sub-Reddit still consider it as spam. In fact I was going to add Reddit to the list in my last blog post but the vibe I was getting from Reddit at that time was bad.

To be specific, I added a secret product that I'll share soon to my Woocommerce store and I used the free + shipping model. This means that I was selling the item for free but you'd have to pay shipping and the shipping price was where I made my profit. Just like the video above.

From the product image, you can see that it's a pit-bull necklace so I'd need to target people who like Pit-bulls. Fortunately, Reddit is grouped into sections called sub Reddits and each subreddit identifies an interest. So I went into a subreddit related to the niche I was targeting and I kept a post like the one from the video.

and bam, I made my first sale.

Now before you go, I must tell you something. About 80% of redditors are rebels and they're so freaking smart. You need to make sure you read the rules of the subreddit before posting and your post should come off as humane as possible. You don't want to sound like a marketer or a salesman on Reddit, trust me.

So that's it, go make your first sale without paying for ads and give me feedback. Last warning: you do not want to sound spammy or sales on Reddit.

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